Wednesday 20 September 2017

Well hello...........

Hello, long time no see!

I thought a catch up was long over due and I could share the news that I am now officially a Royal School of Needlework Graduate Tutor.

Yes, I survived the Future Tutor course and graduated with a distinction in July of this year.

So here are some of the things I got up to for the course alongside the subjects I had already covered.

Working at the Burberry Makers' House

Stitching with colleagues on the Future Tutors kneeler project

I put a French knot or two in the Queen's 90th birthday brook

Visiting the Westminster Abbey Broderers studio

I made a box or two

...and a number of teaching samples

but never forgot my Durham base - canvas shading of the Durham cathedral sanctuary knocker

Finished off with my signature project - a recreation of the Ashmolean museum's 17th century frog purse

and was amazed to be awarded the E Elvin Goldwork Award

It's incredibly hard work, but I'm having a ball can't you tell.


  1. Congratulations! What a thrilling achievement.

  2. Congratulations! I truly admire your work. I'm currently doing the Certificate so can only imagine the hard work you have to do to complete the Future Tutor programme!

  3. The frog purse is wonderful as are you samples - very inspiring for someone who is just starting their journey with the RSN.
